
The Democrats, the DNC, made this election about defeating Trump.
We failed.
Here’s why.
To paraphrase, “It’s the Middle Class, stupid!”

Listen to Michael Moore, Thom Hartmann, Thomas Frank and others perform a much needed #DNCAutopsy.

Michael Moore on @Morning_Joe

This is the most vibrant and meaningful discussion I have heard on Morning Joe EVER! Bravo Joe!

Moore talks about much that ails us including how the election results and #FLINT correlate.

To paraphrase, “It’s the Middle Class, stupid!”

With all the money sloshing around the DNC and the Clinton Foundation, #FLINT still isn’t fixed. WE, as a Nation and a Party, have failed miserably by not finding every possible way of fixing a town whose children are still, as I write, being poisoned.

Imagine the good will HRC would have created if the Foundation had made it their number one priority to fix #FLINT ASAP; if HRC herself donated funds from her own pocket.


MORNING JOE 11/11/16

Thomas Frank

When @Thom_Hartmann ‘introduced’ me to Thomas Frank, author of ‘Listen Liberal!, what I heard made a lot of sense.

Robert Scheer and Thomas Frank Discuss DNC

Then I listened to Robert Scheer and Thomas Frank Discuss DNC.
At around 14:30 minutes in and for the next 5 minutes a very damming case is made.

I start the video there, but the whole discussion is well worth a listen.

How Liberals Put Trump In The White House...

@Thom_Hartmann has much to say in the way of #DNCAutopsy in this interview with Katrina vanden Heuvel of “The Nation” Magazine.

Thom Hartmann, the Big Picture

How Liberals Put Trump In The White House...

Listen to Glenn Greenwald

If we were determined to defeat Trump why did we not put our BEST candidate forward?
Listen to Glenn Greenwald: “Bernie Sanders Would Have Been a Stronger Candidate Against Donald Trump” in an interview on Democracy Now!

Democracy Now!

Glenn Greenwald: Bernie Sanders Would Have Been a Stronger Candidate Against Donald Trump

Direct link to Democracy Now! video